Welcome! Barss Corner Baptist Church serves the local community of Barss Corner and the surrounding area. We are a church that seeks a full life – through the gift of life in Jesus.
We are affiliated with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches , and we belong to the Lunenburg-Queens Baptist Association. Our sister church is Emmanuel Baptist Church of Parkdale, and we share the same Pastor.
History of the Church
Our church was founded in 1842 when the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkesworth being used for “Sabbath Gatherings” got too small to accommodate the growing number of people attending the Baptist meetings. So on April 14th, acc. to the previous appointment, a small group of believers gathered for the purpose of establishing the first New Germany United Baptist Church.
Rev. Bennett Taylor began divine service by reading and prayer, after which Rev. Thomas DeLong preached, and then moved on to organize the church. 14 people stepped forward to constitute themselves in church capacity.
The next day, Sunday April 15th, 1842, this newly formed church of believers and friends met for prayer at 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. at the waterside of Indian Brook, prayer was pronounced by Rev. Bennett Taylor and an address to the congregation delivered by Rev. Thomas DeLong. Later in the service, the baptism of three believers: Michael Feindel, Winfield Milberry and Susan Munroe was witnessed.